ActionReplay XBOX is an application that allows you to copy files to a memory card. Back when the XBOX was the most popular console, there were many uses for an application like this. The main one in my opinion was to modify save games with cheats and upload them to a memory card. Once you have those modified files on your memory card, you can copy them to your XBOX hard drive or run them on the memory card. This application actually comes in a CD that also comes with the memory card and an USB adapter that allows your computer to communicate with the device. If you have a modified console that can read multimedia files, you can also put those files on the memory card to read them on the console. Other than that, the whole application has no other purpose or goal. It is a simple memory card manager that will allow you to move files back and forth really easily. Most memory cards are only 16 megabytes in size, so you are really limited to small files, like game saves and pictures. The application runs great on Windows Vista.
Checks to see if preset Powersaves are available for a specific 3DS game.
Code Manager PC software disc is included with the DSi Action Replay.
Allows to connect your PC to your Action Replay DS cartridge to add new codes.
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